Located just twenty-five miles west of McGehee is the University of Arkansas at Monticello’s main campus. The UAM College of Technology is located in McGehee. It offers college credit classes, and provides customized quality educational services to meet the needs of regional workforce development and enhance economic growth of the state.

The McGehee Public Schools consists of three campuses, an Elementary (K-6) School which is A-rated and accredited by the North Central Association; a Junior High School (7-8); a Senior High School (9-12) accredited by the North Central Association with academic, agriculture, home economics, and business education divisions.

McGehee Public Schools athletic programs include football, basketball (girls and boys), baseball , tennis, and golf. In addition to competitive sports the school system offers a wide variety of physically challenging activities to the total school population.

Separate from the school, but integrated into the athletic program, is a summer program which involves swimming, Little League Baseball and Girls’ Softball. Excellent facilities are provided for these activities.

All schools have good libraries, staffed by trained librarians. In addition to the school libraries, the McGehee Public Library offers a wide variety of books, magazines and audio-visuals. The 35,000 volume library is a part of the Southeast Arkansas Regional Library System. The library offers a Summer Reading Program to elementary school students. It also has an Outreach Program for the blind and handicapped.

In addition to its academic and athletic program, the schools offer band, choir, and cheerleading.

Also in McGehee is the C.B. King Memorial School for the educationally handicapped. UAM College of Technology – McGehee offers day and evening classes. SEARK College in Pine Bluff also offers night college classes at McGehee High School. There is a High School-Vocational Technical School coordinated Agri-Apprentice program incorporated into the Vocational Technical School.